About us

Hi, I'm Vivi!
My name is Bogár-Alexy Vivien, I started my YouTube channel and the related blog and social media pages in 2016. I graduated from Budapest's Corvinus University as a Communicator and Economist, and later left my Marketing Director job there for the blog and YouTube. At the 2018 Cosmopolitan Blogger Days awards ceremony, I won the Audience Favorite award, which also included the international Social Awards nomination, which I won in 2019 as the first and only Hungarian influencer, for which I am incredibly grateful to my community and their support. 🙂

In 2021, I started my own brand, Alexy The Brand, where I created several joint collections with Rami Adorján. Now, in 2022, I started my own clothing brand, with which I dreamed up a very special and unique style.

I really hope that we can help you to feel confident and happy in our collection. We will try to help you with any questions you may have, feel free to contact us.

Anna Bariscil - Fashion designer

"I feel lucky because I love what I do. An old desire of mine has been fulfilled by being a designer for Alexy the Brand. As a Hungarian designer, my main profile is the design of swimwear and streetwear, but you can also come across the casual clothes I create.
I draw inspiration from everyday life and the unusual beauties of life. Ocean swimwear collection was inspired by the rolling sea. I draw my designs freehand and then add computer graphics, which in a unique way allows us to see the designs as if they were real.
A dream, a plan, an idea, which until then only existed in imagination, will become a tangible reality.
I believe that things work the same way in life, we just have to imagine it, do it for ourselves and after a while it becomes available to us."
